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Viking vs Norse vs Scandinavian
Vikings, Norsemen and Scandinavians. Are these terms interchangeable? Not in most situations, no. There's a lot of discourse in the Norse...
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Lumber, souvenirs & knock-offs (Trading with a Viking)
Although modern myth mostly presents Vikings as raiders and pillagers, they were traders too. Traders with an axe in hand to help in...
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Vikings made graffiti?
Here’s one of my favourite facts about Vikings. It starts with a lion. Not quite that kind though. In current day Arsenale de Venezia,...
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Aboard a reconstructed Viking warship
It is my pleasure to open #Norsevember with a post about what it's like to sail with this beautifully reconstructed Viking warship,...
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Sagas of Female Viking warriors
In this Viking Age video, I tell you the true tales of 13 shieldmaidens! 13 Viking Age female warriors as found in the sagas. Click CC in...
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Crazy Viking Age Laws
Today we’re leaving our current century and packing the ship to sail back into the Viking era to look specifically at some fun law texts.
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From America to China—How far did the Vikings travel?
How far did the vikings travel? And how far did their trade routes go? At this point, most people interested in the Viking Age have heard...
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The History in Northern Wrath
The Hanged God Trilogy includes everything from historical characters to historical places and even real events. So, today we're taking a...
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"Midgard Map" of Northern Wrath
A large majority of my epic Norse fantasy "Northern Wrath" takes place in Midgard. Midgard, the middle realm, is one of the nine worlds....
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Viking Age Ships
It's time to talk about Viking Age ships in Scandinavia. I'm going to call them viking ships from now on. (No, we're not about to go into...
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Historical Accuracy in Assassin's Creed Valhalla trailer
Yesterday Ubisoft released the awesome trailer for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. I adore the other AC entries, and more importantly, I am a...
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